Monday, April 2, 2012

Cat Tales: Biggie

Name: Big Dog
Nicknames: Mr. Bigs, Biggie, Bigs, Hydrocat, Senor Grande
Origin of his name: I have had Biggie since he was born, literally I was there the day he came into this world. When he was a brand new baby kitten his markings made me think of a puppy dog. I named him Big Dog for the time and it stuck. Though now, he mostly goes by Biggie or Mr. Bigs.
Likes: Being bathed and petted, sleeping, yelling at the top of his voice, spilling water out of the water dish and licking it off the ground, licking the condensation off glasses, snuggling, the sound of water being poured into his water dish, invading personal space
Dislikes: Sharing attention, being shut out of rooms, his fellow cat room mate Maddox
One word to describe Biggie: Needy
My favorite memory of Biggie: Biggie was the runt of 6. He was a little guy (now he lives up to his name, BIG) but when he was a little kitten he use to sit on my lap and watch his brothers and sisters play. Imagine: a kitten roughly the size of your hand, sitting peacefully on your lap just taking in the environment. Pretty precious. It was then that I knew he was special

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